Nov 21, 2007 22:34
Inspired by Shakespeare.
14 lines.
10 syllables per line.
Rhyme Scheme: ababcdcdefefgg
Sonnet for the Moment
- Dennis Michael Z. Tan
Should my eyes not glance upon you this day,
I will wait patiently for tomorrow.
And if i need wait more, be as it may,
for the longest wait is worth all the woe.
And if by chance time permits that we meet,
I'll abuse fate and cherish the moment.
Yes, squeeze all the juice I can out of it.
Sad though that time deprives us compliment.
Is fate truly cruel or I just selfish?
Have I no fortune or do gods just play?
Isn't there such star upon I can wish?
A chance, different circumstance or nay?
As I lay on this bench, I contemplate,
Know this sonnet is but fruit of the wait.