reposting: men not to date

Dec 20, 2004 15:00

Ok, so here's the history:
last night instead of studying, at 2am, my roommate started making this list of men not to date. by the time she got to #6, i had some contributions of my we compiled this list and she wrote it up and posted it on her journal. However, seeing as though this is really really important subject matter for us girls, i'm gonna re-post it, in order to reach a wider audience. HAH

PS. i have dated #'s 3, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 16, and 18. i have tried to date #17, unsuccessfully (thank goodness), and have been accosted multiple times by #6. (NOTE: some of these numbers are all culminated into one really really messed up guy, i havent actually dated that many people)

without further ado, here's the list:

Men not to date:
1.) momma's boys...sorry, its only cute until your balls drop. after that, it just comes off as you not having any
2.) metrosexual.. i have a lil bit of a conflict here because i argue as to whether or not these men are even into dating women
3.) potheads...lets face it: to a true pothead, weed is their only are just the girl they cheat on her with
4.)Men who wear tighter pants than you / wear pink...both are inexcusable...where are these men getting their fashion sense, ambiguous-sexuality-for-the-blind stores? yea seriously stop confusing us!
5.) Men who claim they are good in bed...they are all
6.) Marc Fiedler (that one is for you, heather)
7.) musicians...they are great friends, fun and creative. unless you are the hottest thing on the planet, you will not keep their attention long.
8.) guys that buy you crappy presents like glow in the dark sex dice...clearly this is not for you, it’s for them...selfish bastards.
9.) The "i'm a good guy" guy... any guy that says this to you within a 48 hour period of knowing you, you shouldn't bother knowing. he will magically become an asshole after you give him what he wants...funny how things happen like that
10.) the perpetual ball dude. what is wrong with them? they can't itch that much... go see a doctor or something
11.) the face licker/ear freak...yes there are men that think its sexy to lick your face slowly...i'm not a salt lick, get off me. or stick his entire tongue into your ear...if i needed a q-tip i would ask for one...and that can't taste good
12.) emo kids...this one speaks for itself
13.) the confused thug...he is white...he is rich...he is dumb
14.) the know the kind that speak in will never be as smart as him because he is too dumb to realize he's stupid
15.) film majors...they make their lives like movies...your relationship will either be a cheesy romantic comedy, or worse, a vomit inducing tragic love story. They feel the need to add unnecessary drama to everything, cause they can’t differentiate real-life from make believe…and someday, they hope to write a screenplay about it.
16.) the "talented" guy… he thinks he is kick-ass at art or music or acting or something, but really he just sucks at it and not to mention life...the most heinous thing this type of guy does is not only does he make you experience his pathetic attempts to be creative, but he makes you say you like them! ick
17.) the "loner"...yea there is a reason he is alone, one wanted to touch that mess in the first place
18.) the frat guy...yes i had to put it up because, for some reason, girls keep making this you are not the only girl he shows his room to. he does do it all the time. and your eyes aren't that beautiful, he didn't get lost and he doesn't want a map.
19.) guys who pop their collar/wear Burberry...nooooo...bad men...bad
20.) the "i think porno is like real life" ladies know him...the one that wants you to say things you have only seen in quality flicks like "Saving Ryan's Privates"...that’s what the movie is for, ass. so you don't inflict your weirdo fantasies on us real women

I hope this has been enjoyable or at least informative...oh and before i get tons of guys saying that it is fucked up, don't bother: you are only admitting that you are on the list.


ahhh pam, you're a trip.
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