Sep 04, 2004 11:52
oh wow, lots to update about...
um i got a new job, so that's good! i start in a couple weeks.
i bought my books and am ready for classes to begin, although i HATE that there are so many people on campus again. i wish they'd all just go back to wherever they came from and stop crowding my streets up. hah
my rooommate moved in today, so i'm not alone anymore...that's good. plus my roommate is very cool, so that helps.
sean is coming to visit me in a few weeks (RIGHT, SEAN?! ahem, cough, cough, nudge)
mia moved into her new apartment, so now she's far far away from me, that's really sad but i guess it will get me out of my apartment and off to visit other places in boston, so this may be a good thing.
emilie's coming to boston today/tonight for her 21st birthday!!!! i havent seen her in AGES! it's good to know that your best friend since 7th grade will always be around, no matter where she is.
so i guess i'm just waiting for mia to call so we can go birthday shopping, its a gorgeous afternoon!!
so i guess that's it for now.
everythings great. life is just so friggin peachy. totally. well not really, but i dont want to risk depressing the hell out of you, so i'm gonna stop here and go get some coffee! :)