Kareem Abdul Jabar,Sandra Bernhardt and Some Nerdy Sitar Player

May 19, 2004 06:32

Good morrow lads and lasses.
Let me just starto off by saying that I wish I lived in a simpler day and age, when radio was the only real form of entertainment(thank you,Tesla). Television makes me feel sedated and weak.
I also wish that I didn't have to drive a car everywhere. They pollute and they inspire laziness. And laziness, I've decided, is not good. I guess I only really say this now is because my car broke down yesterday and I don't know if it's fixable. It's my own fault really. I fucked up again. I'm gettin really good at it. I'll probably be carless for a while and with me looking for a job and all, it doesn;t help the situation.
On a happier note I think that I might be depressed. I just don't seem to want to do anything anymore. I need to take more vitamins.
I would like to go to the mountains again. I was quite happy there. The gelatinous stink of Monroe and the people who approve it are things I don't need to be living in the same town with.

On a stranger note, on Monday I saw an Indian at the conveinient store. A fucking Indian(or Native American is more P.C.). When is the last time you saw an Indian. But that's not the strange part. After I left the store, which is by my house in bumfuck West Monroe,I went to Monroe and I was headed to RadioShack on Louisville And saw the same Indian again in the parking lot.And this was about 20 minutes later. How in the name of all things held pure and holy did that Indian end up there.Why?Who?
When?How many biscuits are in a can?

Oh well I guess I'll never know.

(referring to the terrorists)
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