Living Proof No Frizz Products

Jan 30, 2009 06:45

 Dear Living Proof,

I purchased your product last week. It arrived Monday as scheduled. I was very excited to try your products because I have struggled with my frizzy/wavy/curly hair for years. I ordered both your lines for straight (no hold) and curly (hold) hair.  Here are my thoughts.

1. Your product is too expensive. I have to use a great deal of the product on my medium length hair. In three days I have used nearly 1/4 of the straight making cream. At this rate I will be out by the end of the month or earlier.

2. Your product works better than silicone serums. Those serums have never worked for my hair as they usually make my hair look oily if I use enough to fight the frizz.

3. Your product with hold made by hair feel crunchy and dry on day one and on day 2 my hair was "puffy" and dull and even drier than  day one. This was not good.

4. Your straight making product does combat frizz but as mentioned in point 1 I have to use a great deal and there is no good way to "refresh" the product on day two.

At this point I do not know if I will reorder your products or recommend them to friends. I am the "guinea pig" for all my friends and family when it comes to hair products so I will wait till the end of the month to render my personal verdict. Thought I am posting this letter to my blog for now.

However, I do hope that you plan to bring down the cost by at least 50% on your 4oz bottle or double the size of the bottle. Especially as your main competitor will be silicone based products which sell for anywhere from 4.99 to 24.99 depending on size and product. 
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