"We can't I think adjust spending around to take care of the very much needed programs, including taking care of our veterans but I also want to say again a healthy economy with low taxes would not raising anyone's taxes is probably the best recipe for eventually having our economy recover."
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McCain keeps saying we are winning in Iraq, but Bush has been saying we have been winning since 2003 and the "Mission Accomplished" speech. At every Iraqi government formation or election Bush has come on TV to tell us we are winning or making significant progress in Iraq. C'mon.
My problem with Iraq is it is a quagmire. We should not have started that war in the first damn place. So the question for me is which Presidential candidate understood that this was a bad idea in the first place and which is more likely to find a way to end the war versus expanding it to Iran.
I believe that Obama is more likely to look for a way to end the war (and that he is smart enough to listen to military advisors) and that he is NOT looking to expand it to Iran. I think that McCain still has a 20th century mentality that will lead him to expand a war we cannot afford.
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