Reason Number 10

Sep 04, 2008 22:12

Palin belittled "community organizers" -- thousands of Americans who work long hours for little pay in some of the toughest neighborhoods, trying to assist the American Dream that even the poorest among us can pull themselves out of the muck with a helping hand. Palin and other GOP speakers have turned a noble job into a dirty word tonight -- shame on you!

The republican party is incredibly elitist.

I have worked as a community organizer (oaks project) and a labor organizer (CNA) those are jobs that require people to give of themselves to help improve the lives of other people. Barack Obama could have taken his Ivy league education and lived a life of selfish indulgence. Instead he focused his intelligence and energy on helping others less fortunate than he. That is heart of service to one's country. Community organizers empower others to make a difference in their own lives. That is what good leadership is all about, helping others meet goals and challenges with a sense of empowerment. I believe that he is the leader we need now, already he has asked us to take ownership of our own energy consumption by employing common sense. The McCain Camp belittled the use of tire pressure gauges but this is the kind of common sense leadership we need now. McCain wants corporations to solve our problems by drilling for oil (and making billions off of everyday americans), Obama wants the U.S. to have energy independence in 10 years (hey, we travelled to the moon..why not this).

This is one reason that I am voting for Obama in November.

I am going to try and post 10 reasons why I am for Obama.

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