Jun 25, 2004 10:27
If you could invent a holiday, what and when would it be? What special traditions would take place on that day?
//Victory over the Vorlons Day?//
\\How about 'We Turned Valen Day'?\\
//Or 'Z'Ha'Dum Restoration Day'?//
We would invent a holiday honouring our great ancestors, the elder Shadows who fought in the last great war; who nearly managed to defeat the Minbari and their masters the Vorlons. It would be held over the week before the anniversary of Valen's arrival with Babylon 4 since up to that point, things were going so well for our side...
Younger Shadows and our allies would perform services for the elder Shadows -- do whatever they wanted for that week, in honour of their greatness. We would bring them the finest morsels for a feast, and perhaps burn Valen and Galenn Shadowslayer in effigy. And any Vorlon captured during that time would be brought to them at the height of the feast, so that they could tear it apart.
Muse: Bugs & Daffy (Shadows)
Fandom: Babylon 5
Word count: 165 per Pocket Word