You know I love Cambridge Film Fest! A good opportunity to see loads of things you might not otherwise, from all over the world and from so many different people. Another chance to see old movies, and a first chance for some new films which will be released later in the year. An only chance to see some films in Cambridge! It is 20-27 Oct this year, shorter and later than before (to be in half term week and when students are around), and coinciding with Cambridge Festival of Ideas.
Scroll down this
main page to see this year's list of strands - Silents, Ingrid Bergman, Michael Curtiz, Korean cinema, Cambridge African Film Festival, Family Film Festival
And here for a filterable What's On list and a pdf of the brochure I expect to be busy on three fronts -
i) watching lots of films
ii) roving for
Cambridge 105 radio with Bums on Seats film review show, for reviews, previews and interviews
iii) transcribing interviews and a few other things for
Take One, the festival newspaper
I've got my shortlist down from 55 to 35 films, which is still too many for 8 days especially if trying to get interviews - and it does involve some running and luck! And not enough sleeping. And I'm working on Thursday and not sure when I finish. Here's the draft which won't survive...
Asterisk means I've bought a ticket.
Tue 18
* I, Daniel Blake (press screening)
* One of Us (Eye on Films strand)
Thur 20
4:00 Nostalgia (shorts)(can't make it)
6:00 Cambridge 105 radio
6:15 Parole (can't make it)
8:30 Making It
* 10:30 Train to Busan
(would prefer Adaptation (shorts) or Scherzo Diabolico but Train to Busan is needed for radio review)
Fri 21
10-2ish I, Daniel Blake + El Sur OR The Final Reel + Re: A Pier [Plumber coming in the morning and need to see how long he takes]
2:30 Glass Ceiling (shorts)
5-8ish not yet decided: Homo Sapiens, Destiny (silent), Chocolat, The Unseen
8:15 The Fabulous Nicholas Brothers
10 FCHE (shorts) (featuring Single to London, that I was 1AD for)
Sat 22
12-1 Bums on Seats show
2ish Nina's talk (not Film Fest)
4:15 Bodkin Ras
*6:30 Things of the Aimless Wanderer
*8:00 Paterson
11:00 Contravention (shorts)
Sun 23
12:00 Mattress Men
* 4:00 Microcinema Prog 1
6:30 The Endless River
* 8:15 Microcinema Jennifer and Athos
10:45 Beyond the Gates
Mon 24
nothing in the morning! I could catch some shorts and Bergman if bored.
* 5:00 Cambridge Shorts (featuring Dish Life, that I did sound for)
7:30 Microcinema Kingdom of Shadows
9ish-10ish The Handmaiden or Francesca. Handmaiden better but will get wider release)
Tue 25
quiet morning
2:30 Inversion
6ish Cambridge 105 radio
* 9:30 The Bacchus Lady
Wed 26
11:50 The Virus of Fear
quiet afternoon
5ish Interrogation or Wonderland
* 7:15 Crash
10:30 The Love Witch
Thur 27
12:30 Mimosas
* 2:30 Arrival
5:30 Alba
* 8:00 Gog 3D
* 10:45 It's Only the End of the World