Title: The Care and Feeding of a Teenage Boy ~ 3 Author: bugs Rating: T Word Count: 1,500 Characters: Sharon, Rusty Spoilers: Through Season One of Major Crimes; Set during MC 1.4: The Ecstasy and the Agony
OMG i was going to bed and then THIS! *squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* i love everything about it *-* sharon's menu and the family plan XD and rusty going through the pictures and then taking one of her ♥ awwwwwwwwwwww *happy*
Awwwwww. Rusty does his homework like my kids. And they aren't teenagers! Ack! What is to come!?
I love the photos. I can just imagine poor Rusty's thoughts when he's looking at those other kiddies. *sniff* And he has a photo of Sharon and the squad's numbers. <3
I love this story as these chapters could all be deleted scenes. It describes so well the struggle these two must have had adapting to one another. I love their conversations, I hear Sharon and I hear Rusty, you're so good at that!
Comments 11
i love everything about it *-* sharon's menu and the family plan XD and rusty going through the pictures and then taking one of her ♥ awwwwwwwwwwww *happy*
I love the photos. I can just imagine poor Rusty's thoughts when he's looking at those other kiddies. *sniff* And he has a photo of Sharon and the squad's numbers. <3
Fatburger still sounds evil.
I've been taking seekrit notes.
I can just imagine poor Rusty's thoughts when he's looking at those other kiddies. *sniff* And he has a photo of Sharon and the squad's numbers. <3
I'm thinking of Sharon's happy expression when she sees that he's texted while out with Daniel--phones are them!
Fatburger still sounds evil.
Oh, it is.
It describes so well the struggle these two must have had adapting to one another.
I love their conversations, I hear Sharon and I hear Rusty, you're so good at that!
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