Title: A Different War
Author: bugs
Rating: a lightweight M
Genre: Romance, Drama, A type of AU?
Word Count: 3,800
Summary: Two travelers meet on a rainy morning.
A/N: I apologize,
akachankami, that your story is late (Italy time, still the second for me.) but my dyslexia struck again! I could have sworn your birthday was the third and
vash26 's was the 2nd, and
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Beautiful details (*snort*) of the cities and the paintings and the rivers etc. I almost felt like I was there.
I love Bill/Adam's quotes. And on a completely shallow level, his clothes. Well, maybe not the scarf, but you know, that's just me.
I love their names.
I love when Rose/Laura goes and buys condoms. Hee. Hand size. Hee.
I love the reason for Bill/Adam's forced retirement. (It took me a while to work out why she first thought he had to leave. *snort*) And I love when Rose/Laura forces him to tell her his dreams. Such a lovely moment in the fic. Out of so many lovely moments! Their secksing is another. So lovely.
The whole ending when they meet again in Rome is so lovely (oh dear, so much word repetition). Even though they've only met for a few hours at a time, this whole thing has a feeling of a real slow build up in the end. How did you do that?
And like Mia, I think I'll have to read it a few more times to appreciate it.
Anyway, RAMBLING, you know I love this. Go artsy on us anytime.
But I think the slow build up and tiny glimpses of Bill and Laura really made this one work.
I didn't think I had enough Bill and Laura in there, but perhaps that worked to the story's advantage?
I love Bill/Adam's quotes. And on a completely shallow level, his clothes. Well, maybe not the scarf, but you know, that's just me.
You have a scarf issue too? Not just teeth? One thing I love about Europe is how they can all wear scarves so well. Very sexy look, trust me.
I love their names.
I thought for sure someone's done that before in an AU. But you read more than me!
I love when Rose/Laura goes and buys condoms. Hee. Hand size. Hee.
Oh please. Like you haven't thought it.
(It took me a while to work out why she first thought he had to leave. *snort*)
I wondered if I should give more detail there. It's a very American thing!
So lovely.
I'm imagining the Queen's voice saying this...
Even though they've only met for a few hours at a time, this whole thing has a feeling of a real slow build up in the end. How did you do that?
Well, it's got to feel like destiny, after all, so For All Time...Oh, wait, that's another fandom. :D
I'll try to keep it artsy, but not fartsy, in future fics.
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