
Feb 16, 2008 00:33

i just took someone off my friends list due to politics.

i've never done that before.

i'm sure people who protest have good intentions, but when you align yourself with a group that's blatantly anti-military, i just don't want to be around you right now.

posting pictures of you at a protest with a sign that says "ONE US SOLDIER COMMITS SUICIDE EVERY 3 DAYS" when people like you are contributing to reasons why, that's just not something i want to see. aaron told me how hard it was coming back from iraq the first time and feeling like no one appreciated what they did over there, feeling like people were against him for fighting in this particular war, and feeling like he didn't accomplish anything. he said that he almost felt MORE at home in iraq.

this is sick. its sick that you're alienating people who are fighting so YOU DON'T HAVE TO. they're dying so that you can stand on the street and wave your little protest signs. they're putting themselves on the line for people who totally don't appreciate them or even like them. i wish they'd reinstate the draft sometimes, just so these people would get a little perspective.

i wish this was more like world war two, where soldiers returning home got parades and people really were grateful for what these guys (and now girls) are doing. but no, we've become a spoiled lazy apathetic ungrateful country, and i'm ashamed of it.

i'm against this war as much as the next guy, i really don't like the president, but it doesn't matter right now. it really doesn't. people are STILL DYING, and they need to feel appreciated, if nothing else. instead of waving your little pink signs, why not do something useful? join a group that sends supplies or care packages to our troops, or help out a veteran's association? maybe because to do that would mean to climb down off your high horse and deal with something real, and its just a lot easier to stay rooted in your extremist beliefs. because you're safe there. nothing can touch you.

fuck this shit. i'm so proud of aaron for doing what he's doing, i'm proud of all our troops. they're braver than i could ever be. i just wish more people could put aside their political beliefs and agendas and band together to support the troops and let them know that we appreciate them, no matter what we think about this stupid war.
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