my site is up! more than half of it is not done, including the main page which seems kind of silly to me, but it is all coded and covered in layouty goodness and that is all my brain can handle tonight.
i got the most grand poster tonight! it is captain hook, from the new peter pan movie, and it was $3.99 at k-mart. the best part is that it says "prepare to meet thy doom" on a scroll in the background. i am thinking of putting it on my door. i also got striped underwear, which on the tag k-mart stapled to them said they were a large, but when i got home i realized that the tag sewn inside of them says small. they still fit. very strange! but i am okay with it, because they fit. i don't care what size they are.
one more day! 9 days of work in a row is a killer, but i will have 6 hours of overtime by the time 5:00 rolls around tomorrow. hallelujah. my next 2 paychecks are going to be the very best things EVER.
i can't take it anymore, i have to fix the main page on that dumb site. bloody hell.