House photos!

May 13, 2011 12:30

Finally, the much anticipated remodel photos!!!!! Check it out!

Here's our house's new exterior look ...

Our house is 24x24 square with two stories. Still pretty small, even though we doubled the space (by remodeling the downstairs into livable space and putting three bedrooms upstairs instead of one and living space) ...

The lilac by our door is about the bloom! We planted it when we first moved here in 2007. The little porch up to our main door is the perfect height for sitting on. We use it as a bench every day while we sit in the sun or watch Rusty play.

We need to redo the siding now that we cut holes for windows and things. The slab on the wall is a sample of what we're going to do on the whole house. It's the trimmings from a mill -- super cheap and very funky! But that is a project for NEXT winter!

Welcome inside! From our "main" door, you walk into our kitchen, which we love as an entrance.

Check out the kitchen (perhaps you might want to hang your coat by the door?) ...

We love this kitchen so much. It's the perfect size for us -- we still have our little stove and under-counter fridge, but we have so much more storage space and counter space for working on. We love the giant peninsula counter and the open shelves for storage.

Oh, and these guys live here too! : )

Walk through the kitchen to get to our pantry/laundry/downstairs bath (yay yay yay!). This is a hard space to photograph because it's so small, but here are some glimpses:

We even have room on our pantry shelves for our dehydrator and mill (and space for our upright freezer!).

Go back out through the kitchen to the rest of the living space. First stop, the dining area! The exterior door here leads to our giant covered porch.

The little bookshelf to the left of the giant window holds Rusty's board books and toys. I keep many of his toys put away and circulate through which ones are out on the bookshelf at one time, which cuts down on clutter and keeps him interested in seeing what's in his little play corner.

Check out that view!

Turn around to find the living area, which is pretty small thanks to the stairs and the woodstove ... but we think it feels cozy, like a large inglenook rather than a "room" of its own. It's a lovely space to hang out in the evenings, but we hardly ever use our living room during the day.

View of the porch through another giant window!

Time to go upstairs!

The upstairs is another difficult to photograph area because the spaces are all pretty tight. We're really maximized our space everywhere! I'm going to skip the bathroom because we didn't touch it at all during the remodel. You can see that the upstairs is finished with standard drywall rather than the wood we used on the walls downstairs. It works but it's definitely less interesting (but also faster to install and less expensive!). This is the landing and hallway (the exterior door here goes out to what used to be our front porch upstairs -- the porch is still there, but the stairs are gone!):

This is our sleeping room. It's pretty bare and simple -- on purpose. I love that there's very little to distract us in this space, since it's where we go to sleep! Look at Rusty's cute little bed (that he hardly ever sleeps on!)

This is one of my favorite rooms -- we call it the 'dressing room' since it's where we put all our clothes and that kind of furniture (since the beds take up the entire other room and we all sleep together). This room used to be our living room upstairs, so it has awesome windows on both sides. We also brought up one of the church pews we bought a while back and are using it like a window seat. It's become my absolute favorite place to read (usually while Rusty is napping right next door in the sleeping room). Someday this will be Casey and my "master" bedroom. Take a look around this room:

Check out the giant jade plant that we started from a single leaf in 2003! It's become a monster!!!!

And, finally, the office!!!! That's where I am right now. Having a REAL desk is a revelation. Sitting down to do paperwork is so much easier. I have a great view of the fields from what used to be our dining room window:

We also put all our books in this one space (except for Rusty's which are mostly downstairs).

And, we'll I'm showing off things, here are some shots of our new land being worked up this week!

Woo hoo! All these changes are somewhat overwhelming at times but mostly SO exciting! We LOVE LOVE LOVE living in the house now. It is seriously comfortable for us. Even though it was stressful getting to this point, there's no question that it was the right thing to do. Yay!
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