I'm glad you're happy and getting over your own bullshit--

May 28, 2007 23:46

That still doesn't mean I'm not willing your fat head under a bus every time you cross my mind (which is altogether too frequently).


It's funny how people have the ability to bring you down---- even when they're not conscious of it.

Someone recently told me that I only have to decide to be happy and I will be... just like that. Don't get me wrong, I am generally happy. I just- I don't know- frustrated, disappointed, sad, angry, whatever- mostly with myself. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired, bas.

This summer is supposed to be full of promise, not shit... and it will be- it's already great... I just needed to let some of that out.


On a happier note: I am so in love with the mountains!! Camping is the shit--- I know it's pussy camping but still it's an amazing experience being out there without all the noise and bustle of the city. Unplugging from it, even for the weekend, is well worth it. :)
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