Jul 20, 2012 21:19
I'm all for personal choice - write what you want, read what you want, ship what you want. And I'm hardly one to talk because I read some kinky shit. And some dark shit.
But one thing I've noticed recently is a "spate" (maybe that's the wrong word! theme? pattern? influx?) of fics where one J rapes the other and I just don't get it. I'll read non-con for sure, but it is normally of the one hurt/ the other comforting or healing kind between my OTP. Not my OTP being uber-disgusting towards each other.
I don't know. Guess it is just bugging me tonight because I've started and stopped two different fics when I realised that what was going on. And it's bugged me because in both cases the warnings do mention non-con but they don't say that it's one raping the other...which also leads me to being annoyed as I feel like it's disingenious to claim the pairing as J2 when it's forced & shitty J2.
I don't even think I'm making sense anymore...just venting really! What an exciting life I am leading this Friday night!
(Also I have learned that next time I start a WIP I really need to have it finished before BB season! Epic fail on my part to even stick close to my posting schedule!)