OMG, I updated!

Jul 08, 2009 14:28

As everyone who has friended me will know, I almost never use this account for anything. Right now, though, I'm in a really gleeful mood. So I'm telling the world, or at least one tiny corner of it.

Not only am I totally hyper, I'm actually in rare form for folding origami. Thanks to genaschuyler, I got my hands on several sets of instructions that I've really wanted, and I've also worked up the courage to try some new techniques. Last semester, I took a course in lost wax casting, which went really well, and I'm taking it again so i can further refine a technique for preserving origami as bronze.

This has really encouraged me to both refine my technique in folding as well as more research into paper. Reading up on the origami forum, I finally even worked up the courage to consider trying backcoating with methyl cellulose. This should let me make very thin, crisp squares from tissue paper, which means thinner layers on the incredibly detailed models of fantasy subjects I enjoy best.

I'm also working on some designs of my own, which I eventually will put pictures up of. While I hope to make more progress with a dragon, I've also been doodling in the direction of sonoran wildlife, because I've always found out indiginous species fascinating. I really want to try to get a design for Gambel's Quail (with a variation for the little bite-sized chicks) and a roadrunner pattern that actually looks like the ones I see, with the tail hinged to be positionable in multiple attitudes. Whether or not I do a bobcat is still up for grabs. Theree's been one visiting my sister's backyard recently, and they got some amazing pictures of it.

This month's challenge subject on the forum is famous sculptures, and I may actually try to do something in that direction, if I can find a suitable piece. If I thought I had any chance at an equestrian statue, I'd consider the one of Father Kino, but I'm nowhere near that good. (yet)


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