It's the sound of me getting a flat tire today!
I was driving along and my car felt like it kept bottoming out over the smallest bumps in the road. Me and my friend Kristin checked under the car when we parked downtown and noticed nothing hanging down that could be causing such a feeling, we did not even check the tires!
This is my first flat tire, ugh! Now I have to call AMA tomorrow morning and wait for them to come down here and put my spare tire on. Then I have to drive to Canadian tire and get them to either fix my old tire or put a new one on...arggg! I wish I knew how to do this kinda stuff! Is there a class that teaches the car fixing inept ppl how to do these basic things??? Cuz I wanna learn!
I'm now determined to obtain this skill. I'm gonna learn and maybe make a helpful instructional video for people like me (it'll be all artsy and useful hopefully).
In other news, I'm learning how to shoot on a 16mm camera, it's so interesting. I'm shooting my first individual project on the Arri SR this Saturday...ahhh! I hope it turns out.
Oh and for those of you that don't know or for a friendly reminder, I'm coming back to Calgary and having some folks over to my folks house (yes folks- folks) on Saturday the 18th of November. Hope to see you there! I miss all y'all!