Nov 22, 2005 03:01
Well, well, well, my first entry. I guess I could begin by explaining my intentions of this journal. I decided to start one of these blogs for 2 reasons. The first one being that it is a cool way to rant and ramble about random things ( I notice the R trend). The latter is because I am going to be attending Emily Carr Institute of Art in Vancouver for the winter semester and I think this will be a great way to record my travels and post pictures.
Last night I had a screening for a movie that I have been working on for like 7 months. It's called Another picture on the wall, it's a vampire tale that is made to look like a silent film. The whole thing was such a great experience.
At the moment it is super late and I was just about to put in Christopher Nolan's "The following" but took it out of its case and found out that Muholland Drive was inside. I have not seen this movie either so I'm going to give it a watch. I'm trying to get through the pile of movies that different friends have lent me, this one being from Ian. He also lent me Gangster No.1, it was such a great movie. not a typical gangster movie, more gruesome actually, but shot really well. Also Malcolm McDowell is in it so you can't go wrong. Check this movie out.