Oct 10, 2004 15:55
The Dragoon has takin a break from the constant struggle that is her very existance. Im sorry, you know for they way things are turning out. MY efforst to ignore my bitter reality are in the end invane. No magic spell, no silly incantation, no prayer has helped me.
Im scared, plain and simple. I can no longer be left alone I'm afraid my mind will wander and remind me off the things I must have. The things that I must do that seem so difficult to achieve.
Sorry antonio for not spending more time with you, sorry dear rachel for not calling and being there for you more often, sorry for not posting for those people that seem so interested in what little I have to say.
I'm trying to avoid my problems, trying not to remind myself of people gone and the future I must struggle to obtain ahead. I have no real armor for which I can use to defend me from the harsh attacks of adult hood. But its not that bad, its about time I stand up to this challenge, like most people eventually step up to there problems. I'm finding more people giving way to there challenges, I'm afraid I might too........but thankfully I have good friends to help me. I forget their there sometimes.
Well registering is soon for school, Im suiting up, going to drive my lance forward. It might be the first step i need to get my shit together but I'll see.