Jul 24, 2004 23:41
So, i have this live journal. The live journal that my good friend Bridgett has told me to get for the longest time. So updates about me so yeah boyfriend, ha...haha..HahahahahhahaHAHAHAHHA! Yeah there might be someone out there i could possibly call Boyfriend, but for those of you who know me personally. You know how that goes....I have no life practically. A job at Quizno's.....yeah for me. I JUST RESENTLY GOT A BRIGHT FUTURE SCOLORSHIP THOUGH!
Best Friends I would say Micheal(I dont talk to him enough),Molin (he's cool I see him often enough), Bridgett (I havent really spoken to her), Tammy(same), Rachel(same), Devin (like that really is working.The dude went out of town and wasnt even going to call me before he left for a month. I tell you what to if I hadn't called him before he left and found that out, We would NOT be friends right now.Why the hell do I bother calling him by the way.) others that ill mention later im just to tired to give a darn.
So I've been hanging out with many different people.Exploring the fast world of adult hood. WHATEVER THE HELL THAT IS! Spending alot of Time with Molin learning more about him everyday. Getting um Happy with da drinky every thursday practically at ART BAR! Leanred that I've wasted so much time trying to be friends with people in highschool and that i was full of crap when I thought that i was really going to stay in contact. I wasted alot of time and energy on people that arnt deserving. I think that might apply to love interests but I still wondering about that.
You know I would type more but I want to play video games. Theres that Adhd working at its best. Oh yeah i would try to fix my typos but lets face it I dont give a dam right now.
Oh remember bugitsmydamsn