Oct 07, 2010 12:00
Feeliong a little lonely, a little crazy, a lot wimpy, haha. I think its probably the weather. it's rainy and shitty and windy and shit. My boy has been off too. He's normally bright and sunny and all happy and smiles but he's off today, really whiny and stuff. he's teething though so ya know. i held him close and rocked him to sleep and went into my car and screamed my head off because i figured he can feel that im off too so i wanted to try to get it all out. feeling better actually, i need some loving though. Any parents out there that feel wicked guilty when they just want some adult time? i always do. i just wanna chill with my girlfriend and drink some and love but i feel wicked guilty about wanting that time for just us. i love that i have a child that rules my life and gives it purpose, direction and meaning but adults need adult time too right? idk...