From: 1. When did you recently have the feeling, "Life is good."
When I finally quit my job to focus on recovering from my burnout and PTSD. It's still touch and go but I feel so much better. Now the frustrations I get from not having health insurance is another thing, but I'm staying positive.
2. Which do you need more, routine or spontaneity?
Routine, always routine. My anxiety hates spontaneity.
3. Do you have a difficult or annoying neighbor?
Nope, we are surrounded by kind people!
4. What do you want to change about yourself?
To be more compassionate towards myself. I forget that I've been through a lot of awfulness and that changes a person's mind and spirit. Yes, I'm not the same person I was before and that's okay. I am deserving of a life to live and to find happiness.
5. What do you like best about where you live?
The diversity. There's humans of all difference ethnicties, races, religions, and all in a LGBTQIA friendly area. It's wonderful and very calming.