Jul 21, 2023 17:37
1. What was the last dream that you had about?
Swimming in a giant pool or the ocean. It was part pool and theme park and part the beach and ocean. Like I was swimming in a pool that I entered from the concourse of a shopping mall but then there was a horizon, that was endless. Quite strange and one of my favorite dreams in a long time.
2. Does it hold any significant meaning to you?
I think so. I love swimming and the water, so it makes sense to me!
3. Do you dream in color or black and white?
Almost always color.
4. What is the most frightening dream you ever had?
I've had weird liminal space dreams, even as a child before that was even a thing or a social media/Tiktok trend. The most scary ones involved elevators of great heights that went to no where and looking down to the bottom, it was all darkenss. Around the elevators, you could walk but there were rarely guard rails. It was very industrial.
5. Is there one dream that stays clear in your mind despite the fact it was more than a few years ago?
For a period, during the 'bad times', a few years ago, I dreamt of my dead grandparents. I would see them, hug them, and talk to them. I like to think they came to me as a comfort during the hardest part of my life.
friday five