yep that was it

Dec 23, 2003 03:03

check out my new background that i made for my LJs, now they have similar colors and themes so its obvious they are both mine!!
new icons at buggosicons as well as colors to match the background i created for my lj and colors to match

also i now have this handy button i made,
help promote me people please!!


Kelli had the baby. not sure when, i think she was going to be induced on the 19th but im not positive.
it was a boy.
red hair like noah
name Evan Ryan

helped my mom put all the shitloads of cookies in boxes today to give out on xmas eve
while she proceeded to tell me that i didnt help her at all and no one did and blah blah blah
i was sick, i couldnt help bake cookies with her like i promised, i had pneumonia!
then to try and make it up to her i convinced my sister to come over and help me wrap all the presents from my mom to all the extened family so my mom could work on cookies and presents would be one less thing she had to do, and then she bitches that the help didnt come until saturday and that just wasnt soon enough, we should had started earlier and blah blah blah! nothing is ever good enough for her. ugh. never the less all the presents are wrapped, the cookies are all boxed, and everything is ready for wednesday.

on another note, i dont think im gonna get to see my nephew on christmas eve or christmas, how bad does that suck, not going to get into it now, dont want not, it pissed me off.

Laura found out shes having a boy.... found out a while back just dont remember if i posted it or not.

and Glenda (my sisters mom) and Mel (her partner) find out what Mel is having and how many in about 9 weeks... weird, that just seems to soon. Its weird to think that in a few months i will have a new sibling or siblings...that are not technically any relation to me at all, but they will be.... boy my family just gets more and more complex every day.... we are really starting to border on that "you might be a redneck if" family.....

well i guess im off to bed now.....
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