Last night
brown_betty, in between writing brilliant posts and comments about the "clarification" (I do not think that word means what they think it means) of LJ's permissible content policy, she came up with a brilliant idea for a political cartoon about the whole mess
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It was a great experience to have inform my choices in illustrating the sheep in this cartoon, obviously.
There are sheep in some of the real inner city too, mostly around the harbor and in the neighborhoods near the river in general where they maintain the dykes, but it's just not very bucolic, what with being just a mix of residential and industrial areas, and not that many sheep either, mostly just what you need for the dykes.
I lived in Holland for two years, and saw plenty of dikes (in Nederlands "dijk") but none which made use of sheep... just either wind power or another standard electrical power source. So, um, what do sheep do for a dyke exactly?
And sheep keep the grass short and the earth firm or something. I guess it's easier or cheaper than some machine maintenance. All over Northern Germany sheep graze on dikes, and I'd be astonished if they would't across the border in the Netherlands. Typical photos of dikes always have sheep on them, like this photo of a dike from the German wikipedia page:
The entry mentions the maintenance sheep as well.
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