As an alternative to STABBY RAGE...

Sep 24, 2006 18:06

Yeah, I've seen all the same scans showing that WIZARD magazine can hire utter tools to talk about (and demonstrate) drawing female comics characters that the rest of LJ-based comics fandom is frothing about today. Not gonna rant, per se. Plenty of that going on, and I just don't have the energy for a rant today.

Instead, a somewhat more zen approach:

Big Beautiful Wonder Woman, the blog of a WW fan who believes Diana is a prime example of women looking better the less they look ...well, like Michael Turner's vision of Supergirl.

All the art at BBWW is by other artists, and the blogger accepts and displays any art of Wonder Woman drawn with more heft to her than she's allowed to have officially. This means, sadly unsurprisingly, both that some of the art poses Wonder Woman like a girly pinup, and that some of it is drawn by artists who can't conceive of a fat woman being anything but unattractive.

That said, the second image currently on display (by Pedro Caraca) is possibly the least representative of the dozens of pieces of artwork contributed to BBWW; and while I wish I could say the third image (by Colin McK) is equally unrepresentative, truthfully there is a fair amount of cheesecake here -- which remains exploitative even if the women are drawn with less-unrealistic bodies, or bodies unrealistic in ways other than the comics-industry standard.

For me, though, it's worth scrolling past that crap in order to appreciate art like the image currently at the top of the page, by Tom Burgos, or like the sixth image on the current page, by Juan 'JayTee' Tesorero, or even better, less-recently-posted art like this one from July by Mike Manley of Diana -- and Clark.

More somewhat-less insanely-image-heavy links for the dialup set...

23 Sep 06 (most recent) post with art by Tom Burgos****

21 Sep 06 post with art by Pedro Caraca,* Colin McK,* Vinicius Visentini,* & Fernando de Sousa Lima**

30 Aug 06 post with art by Juan Tesorero (JayTee),**** Gerson Witte,* & Andre Valvassori***

23 Aug 06 post with art by Adam Koford***

22 Aug 06 post with art by Dave Curd,** Stephen Sakurai,*** Jason Loo,**** & Aaron Conley***
(the image link for Loo's art appears to be broken, but can be found on his blog here: )

19 Aug 06 post with art by Jason Yungbluth***

16 Aug 06 post with art by Adam Koford****

16 Aug 06 (separate) post with art by Mike Oeming***

16 Aug 06 (separate) post with art by Bonaia Rosado**

08 Aug 06 post with art by Bryan Lee O'Malley**

05 Aug 06 post with art by Nik Holmes*** ZOMBIE WARNING

02 Aug 06 post with art by Kelli Nelson****

01 Aug 06 post with art by Andy Smith*

01 Aug 06 (separate) post with art by Joel Carroll****

The asterisks (* to ****) beside each artist's name denote the number of stars I've rated the art by that artist in the referenced post, based on my own biased view of how offensive (*) or empowered (****) the depiction of Diana in the image is. Possibly this is of use even to those with spiffy fast connections, now that I think about it.

70s Porn Star Buddha says: Feed your soul, feed your body.

omgwtf is that a rec?!, comics meta, gender

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