Jul 18, 2004 02:16
Still can't believe the girl is gone. Hung around LA for a couple of days, lookin' for Dru. Hotel was convenient for staying out of the sun, although I could've used a few less sympathetic looks from Peaches. A sight too late for that mate, i'n't? Shoulda kept an eye on your little interferin' friends. Or given the girl a bloody chance before callin' in Red. Somethin'.
Dru was in a state when I did catch up with her. Pissed as hell at me, came flyin' at me with those razor claws of hers, wailin' about her girl bein' gone. Took a while, but I managed to calm her down. Explained what happened without namin' any names, although seemed like she knew Daddy was to blame for the cursin'. Hard to tell for sure. We commisserated a bit, although for different reasons, I suppose. She was a bit put out by Emily Anne doin' a bit of damage to one of Dru's new pets. Still a bit miffed at me over our little spat in Buffy's basement too, but I managed to come away with only a few nicks to show for it. Felt better after talkin' to someone who didn't think she was a bloody monster.
Got back to Sunnydale a few days ago. Talked to Buffy and she seemed to understand, a little, even though she'd been all stake first, ask questions later.
Then today, got a call from Angel on the cell. Think maybe he's gone on a drinkin' binge or somethin', claims there's fairy tale folks swarmin' all over LA and they need help roundin' 'em up. Right. At least my laughing cut him off in mid sympathetic touchy-feely question. He insisted he was not tryin' to be funny, so I dropped a word to Rupes and An at the Magic Box and gave Buffy a ring.
Actually, supposin' he's not gone off the deep end, might be a spot of fun. Hear there's a wolf that needs capturing.