.App. .Digital Dive.

Oct 04, 2011 02:42

Name- JeniOctavia

LJ- JeniOctavia

Email address- JeniOctavia@gmail.com

AIM/MSN/YIM (optional)- JeniOctavia

Character, series- Ponyo

Character journal- buggedoff

Character type- Secondary

Digimon partner- Koemon > Hookmon > Zudomon > Vikemon

D-Comm colours/symbol- Pink and white, with a sailor hat symbol

Imported from another RP?- No

Character appearance-

Character age- early 30's

Character history-

Little is known about Lisa's life in the events before the movie takes place, though from her apperance, behavior and home life it's safe to assume that she's a fairly young mother, and as such was likely married to Koichi at a young age as well.

As Koichi was eventually made captain of the fishing ship Koganei Maru, he was often away from home after their son Sosuke was born. Lisa got used to it very quickly, and took on the tasks of mother and caretaker of the house with easy and efficiency, but it often angered her how much Koichi would take shifts for extra money over taking time out to be with his family.

It wasn't something she could dwell on often. Being a mother was a full time task, even though as her son grew it became obvious what an independent and intelligent young man he was becoming. On top of that she also had a job as one of the few available care takers at Himawari Senior Center, making her life often very busy and hectic. Once Sosuke was old enough for pre-school, he was enrolled in the school right next to the senior center, making it so that Lisa would take shifts around the time that Sosuke was in school, drop him off in the morning and let him walk back to the senior center after it was over to wait for her.

Life continued on as such for quite a while, uninterrupted and only changed the times that Koichi managed to make it home. They were a happy family in their little house on the cliff by the sea in the town of Tomonoura, even if Lisa did miss her husband very much.

It all changed dramatically one day when Sosuke brought a 'goldfish' he'd found trapped in a glass bottle in the ocean. He claimed that the fish had healed the cut on his finger with just a lick, and that she apparently loved ham. Deciding to name her Ponyo, he declared that she was magic and that he needed to be very careful with her.

Lisa just chuckled in amusement at the whole thing, brushing it off for the moment as a child's active imagination. She dropped him off at school without a second thought and went work as normal, unaware that "Ponyo's" father, Fujimoto, was looking for her. Though she had met the strange man just before they departed from home, she of course had no clue who he was or what he was doing there.

It became obvious that things were going to be very different that day, though. Things had just barely gotten started at work when there was a commotion out on the porch that overlooked the ocean. Toki, one of the ladies, was fussing loudly that there was a tsunami coming, and that something Sosuke had was going to bring bad luck. Sosuke had sneaked out of school after trying to show one of the other students Ponyo, who wound up squirting water in the girl's face. Rather than get in trouble, he ran to the senior center to show the ladies there. Toki was about to get him caught all over again, though, as Ponyo had done the same to her that she'd done to the female student.

Lisa came running out to see what all the fuss was, and instantly spotted Sosuke running away again. He ran down to the rocks to hide, unknowingly getting Fujimoto's attention again. Before Lisa could arrive, a seemingly innocuous wave had taken Ponyo from Sosuke, causing him to jump in to the ocean in waters far too deep for him to swim in in order to look for her.

Seeing her son in the water, very nearly taken over by the waves, Lisa jumped in after him and pulled him out. Sosuke was beside himself with sadness that he'd lost Ponyo after promising to protect her, and cried the whole way back to the senior center.

Lisa got off her shift and took Sosuke for ice cream, which he ate with barely any interest. She tried to console him, telling him that a fish belonged in the ocean and not in a bucket, and that he could tell Koichi when he came home that night.

He still had the bucket, though, and when they got home he put it on a fence post, telling his mother "Maybe if I leave it here she'll know where home is". Lisa agreed it was a very nice thing to do for Ponyo, and went inside to make dinner.

The phone rang. It was Koichi, saying that he'd been offered another shift and was taking it, and that he would signal when the boat passed the house. Lisa practically had a fit, arguing with him but ultimately losing to what he thought was best. After slamming the phone down angrily, she went for a beer and promptly decided that they were going to 'start with desert and work their way back to dinner'.

It didn't make her feel much better, and in the end when the time came for Koichi to pass by, she found herself on the floor of Sosuke's room, clutching a pillow and a little buzzed from the alcohol.

Koichi's ship went by and Sosuke worked the light to signal the ship. Koichi replied via light as well, saying he was sorry and that he loved Lisa. Lisa didn't respond, irritated at the whole thing. To try and get her attention and apologize further, he turned on all the ship's lights, lighting up the night and water brightly. Lisa was far from impressed, and responded with repeated signals of 'bug off!' before returning to Sosuke's bed and sulking under the blankets. Sosuke eventually cheered her up, saying that his dad was trying his best, and she admitted he was right, saying that he had done the same for Ponyo.

By the next day, a huge storm had rolled in from the coast and the previous day seemed all but forgotten. By the time school was out for Sosuke, the power had gone out in town, leaving the Senior Center a bit harried with attempting to care for their residents without their usual appliances.

The other care takers urged Lisa to go home while she still had a chance once the power came back on, and they left, driving through the pounding rain. Sosuke expressed worry over his father being out on such a turbulent sea, but just as Lisa assured him he was fine, something strange rose up in the sea. It almost seemed as if the waves themselves were coming to life, and while Lisa couldn't see it, Sosuke was sure he'd spotted a little girl with red hair out on those waves, running on top of them.

Lisa was stuck ignoring his cries about it, though, trying to concentrate on driving away from the living waves that seemed to be chasing them, flooding the road behind them as it went. It wasn't until he said that the girl had fallen in to the ocean that she dared to stop, higher up the cliff side, and look to see what he was seeing.

The waves were too choppy to see a damn thing, though, and Sosuke's assurance that the girl had been running on top of the waves was just a bit too unbelievable for Lisa at that moment. It was too windy, too dangerous to stay out there, and Sosuke was nearly blown away just from the force of the wind catching his jacket.

As they pulled up to the house, Sosuke's green bucket blew off the post he'd put it on, vanishing in the high waves that had crept up to their place. Just as it vanished, though, it reappeared, being held by two hands. A little girl came out of the waves, holding the bucket.

Lisa immediately called to her, frightened that she'd some how gotten pulled in to the ocean and away from her parents, not noticing that the girl and Sosuke were staring at each other as if familiar with one another.

She ran up, right past Lisa and leaped on to Sosuke in a fierce hug. Lisa was confused, asking if Sosuke knew the girl. It took him a moment, but he declared loudly in his own confusion.


"Yes, it's me! Ponyo!"

Lisa was almost completely lost as to what was going on, and even Sosuke's explanation that Ponyo had returned to them as a girl instead of a fish didn't make a lot of sense. But she went with it, quickly grabbing up both children and taking them inside to get away from the storm.

Once inside, Lisa told them both that life was mysterious and strange, but they couldn't dwell on the how and why when the power was still out and they were being flooded from the ocean on all sides. After getting something warm for Ponyo and Sosuke to drink, she activated the back up generator and made them dinner, the three of them sitting around talking about Ponyo's family. Soon Ponyo fell asleep, exhausted from her day and all her magic use. Just as Lisa was beginning to clean up, she looked out the window and saw lights in the distance, around the area of the senior center. Lights meant some one was still there, and given how the water had flooded most of the town, that also meant they were trapped.

Lisa knew she was probably the only one that could reach them, even if it meant taking the longer mountain road to avoid the flooded roads of the town. Fearful for them, she asked Sosuke to mind the house and Ponyo while she packed up emergency supplies. Sosuke was reluctant at first, but Lisa assured him that she had to do this task, and that he could be the man of the house just as he always had been when his father was away. She told him how smart and brave he was, and that by staying there they would be helping lost ships find their way in the dark with their light on the hill.

Sosuke finally agreed, and Lisa left, driving in to the night as quickly as the flooded streets would let her.

Unfortunately, Lisa never reached her destination, instead vanishing in to the Digital World before dawn broke over the hills...

Character personality-

As a mother, Lisa is strong willed and kind, with a warm, loving heart that goes out to both children that aren't even her own, and the elderly people that she works with on a daily basis. She prefers smiles over frowns, and is determined to make her son as happy as she possibly can, even when he's feeling down or upset.

To her, his safety (and by proxy Ponyo's safety) comes first and foremost, but she's also fully aware that her 'little man' is very mature and responsible for his young age. Her dedication to her job is really only achieved at it's fullest by knowing that if it comes right down to it, Sosuke can be the 'man of the house'. She rolls with the punches life brings forth, stating that 'life is strange and mysterious' rather than panicking or letting it drag her down. From the view of the townsfolk, it seems not an ill word is spoken about Lisa.

She does, however, have a lesser known side that is usually seen by only Sosuke and her husband. Lisa is a truly devoted and loving wife, just as she is a mother, but her immaturity shows more when Koichi isn't doing what she wants - which is usually not coming home when he promises to. When this happens she resorts to pouty, angry, and very nearly throws a fit about it. She's been known to use Morse code via a light to tell him to "B-U-G-O-F-F" repeatedly when he attempts to apologize for it, and even went so far as to sulk in Sosuke's room after a 'dinner of desert and desert of dinner' just because she was upset.

Despite this, her true nature is that of a loving, caring woman with a big heart and open mind, and one who rarely lets sadness keep her down.

Digimon personality-

Lisa's Koemon, AKA "Saruko", was a well known and fairly well respected elder of a tribe of Koemons before getting partnered off. Those who didn't respect her out right feared her. With scarily accurate aim with her sling shot and a sharp, commanding voice to boot, she didn't take crap from anyone. She was the resident 'obaa-san', and very few dared to cross her.

Saruko is head strong, stubborn and very stuck in her ways. She doesn't appreciate being told what to do, convinced of her own seniority over everyone, and is hardly willing to suffer fools and younger digimon. This also makes her a bit selfish, unlikely to stick her neck out for anyone else unless there might be something in it for her. Along with this selfishness, she can be slightly judgmental, though she hardly realizes that her words can be seen as such.

She does have a soft side, though, rarely seen but never tempered. Should she take a liking to some one beyond general tolerance, be they digimon or human, she can play the part of kind and caring grandmother, willing to give advice and a hug. Cross her, though, and one will find themselves at the blunt end of a sling shot, or, worse, with the ammo being pointed right at them.

And should one be of the lucky few who shows the tenacity and strength that she thinks she exhibits, Saruko may actually find it in her to respect that person. Maybe.

Character abilities- Lisa's only real ability, besides being an awesome mom and all the things that come with that (including cooking, and randomly, Morse code), is apparently the skill to drive a tiny mini-coop car like she's in the Indy 500 and some how not crash.

;app, ;ooc, ;digital dive

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