I had some seriously nasty pistachio pudding yesterday, no the day before. Oh!! No wait it was Ice cream... No, wait actually Gelato and I LUUUUUVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV pistachio pudding, but this was just nastay. You know? Like coffay. Oh man. Odd Todd rocks. Go there now. Do the cartoons. See the laid off series. Yea go to
Oddtodd.com now!!!!! It's great. It's late. I got to go soon. I'm like a monsoon. I just blow through make stew poo poo hoo hoo, doo doo woo woo. Chuga chuga chuga chuga chuga chuga--okay this is taking forever cuz my c button is broken and wait...cccccccccccccccccccccccccccc i think i fixed it. Let's see. Wait.. I need a word with a c. Um.... chimpanzee? coffee? circulatory? Cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc. Okay. I think it's good. XD;__O
EGAD!!! EGAD!!! I am fucking high on 4 beers now... my roommate is getting on my nerves already and I feel like I should put him in the bottle and put a cork... like a message in the bottle or like that genie only that he would not be a genie as he is a meanie... which reminds me of that Eminem song BIG WEENIE... |O|_|_|_|
I am seriously flippin here. This has just not been a good day. Or may be not. I don’t know. I feel like a pancake just spinning in the air goin wheeee. wheee. wheee. and then the syrup comes in. It's like in futurama when he's like... Oh wow, we'll be like pcchooo pchoo and they'll be like ahhhhhhh bwoom bwoom and then we'll have waffles to celebrate and ill be like hamnumnumyumyum or something like that. God I hate that show. ~~~:<~D__O
By the way... I heard a rumor they were bringing the show back, EGAD!! but then I heard a rumor that they had signed up for four futurama full length movies, so I don't know what to believe. After hearing them making a Simpson’s movie, anything's possible. I'll cry when the futurama movies comes out. They should have stopped futurama a long time ago like they did with Seinfeld, while it meant something and was still this great cult classic. I mean I know it will always be but still its holy fuck it’s late.
- You Give Love a Bad Name
- Livin’ On a Prayer
- Someday I’ll be Saturday Night
- Never Say Goodbye
- Blaze of Glory
I COULD PROBABLY LISTEN TO ANYONE OF THOSE SONGS ENDLESSLY......................................... XD;
Anyway, I'm sort of in an odd mood right now. I'm not depressed; I'm just sort of disillusioned with my life right now. I take that as a good thing because tomorrow, I'm really going to have to step up to the plate and get everything together.
I think a big part of it, is my social life sucks... I think coz pretty much everyone I'm "close" to right now is "distant." I'll let you take that as you want it, because well, it confuses me too… EGAD!!!
Christina, tell Josh that I'm not in the mood, already. Sheesh… I don’t have a fuckin clue who Christina or Josh is??? HOMG!!!!
Another problem is, I'm getting really tired of people being impossible with me. I mean, I'm not an idiot. I know I can be like that too. But the difference is, if someone asks me to stop, I go, oh okay, I'm sorry, or I say deal with it. I don't lie. I don't pretend nothing's wrong and then let it happen over and over again.
X + 2Y = 532
5X - 4Y=43
If X =Dear in headlights, solve for Y
Well lets see... you take.... adding... and then... carry the one… that leaves it at X + N = Pi which... and then... so... wait… that's... against the derivative... so Y = oy… I give up.
So yeah.. I got to go. Wish me luck and a buck a buck buck, and whoobee doo doo and scooby doo too cuz im gonna need it, yo. Peace out, yall. Buggchaser has left the building.