Mom's stolen wallet, being detectives, seeing someone famous............My ramblings about NY

Aug 07, 2005 00:05

So I just got back from New York with my mom aunt and grandmother. It was the most memorable trip to New York by far.The second day we got there my mom's wallet was stolen! Now we have been to NY like 50 times at least and for the most part I have always felt pretty safe there- it was such a wakeup call of just how low people can be. We had just bought some souviners for some people and we walked down two blocks and went in a store then when we came out we heard all this honking- and if you've ever been to NY honking is something you hear all the time so you get pretty use to it but we just happen to look up and this lady has her window rolled down and she was like 2 blocks down these three men reached their hand into your purse (talking to my mom) and took out your wallet. So not thinking we go looking for the men. Then by the time we start thinking we call the police and my mom calls to cancel all her credit cards. So she and my grandmother stay on the street corner waiting for the police and me and my aunt go investigating we decide we need to go look for the car that told us about the guys (there is bumper to bumper traffic) but we don't see it so we go back to the corner and see 2 policemen and flag them down. They were so nice and even though they werent the ones suppost to help us they listened to our story and then he was like wait we were stuck in traffic a couple blocks up and i just happened to be looking around and I saw a wallet. So he goes back to the locked construction site climbs over the fense and there is my mom's wallent. The guys didnt want to be caught with the wallet on them so they had taken EVERYTHING out and just discarded the wallet. Which was really good because it was an expensive wallet my dad had gotten for my mom one Christmas- but they took everything else. So those police have to go cause we werent in their district and they weren;t even suppost to stop. And me and my aunt decide to go look some more( being the detectives     we are) if they threw away anything else that wouldn't have been of use to them (hoping her license would be somewhere on the street cause we had to get on the plane and she had no identification) and after going through garbage cans and picking up things on the street all we found was her Briarwood card that you show the ppl at Publix. That was like the nastiest i have ever been going through the garbage in New York. Its kindove funny now because we were also looking for the three men and if we had seen them with my moms credit cards and stuff we wouldnt have known what to do! But anyway the other police come we spend another hour filing the report- they were mean police man. But I just get this sick feeling in my stomach whenever I think about this, that someone would do that. So now we cancelled all her credit cards but they have her social security number and mine, so my dad is trying to get ours changed- because they can open accounts and spend money, and all sorts of other things under our numbers.And they have her license. I dont know what all they can do with that. Anyway my mom had such a great attitude about it, and was so calm that it made me calm. But I am such a worraholic I am scared of identity theft and stuff like that. So if yall could pray for that. That they won't do anything with our social security numbers. Anyway that was crazy. But the trip was fun besides that.

Did anyone actually read that? Cause that was really long!

Anyway this trip was the first time i've seen someone famous in Ny! So here's the pic and let me see if any of yall know who he is

haah does ANYONE know who he is???

all the little girls trying to get his autograph

same as before his many fans (all under the age of 14 i might add)

my grandmother getting her 1st makeover ever at mac

her finished result

they shoved both the deserts at serendipidy's infront of me and told me to be a pig

my aunt and my grandmother drinking oprah's famous froozen hot chocolate

my mommy

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