Dec 25, 2004 23:09
Merry Christmas everyone!
Well this certainly is a Christmas i will never forget.Guys be careful what you pray for it just might come true! But i really am so grateful that God answered my prayers.He answered them in an unexpected way..... I was in a wreak tonight. My very first wreak and it was a really bad wreak. My friend (who was driving)'scar was completly totaled. But we are okay dispite some bruises, everything is fine. I was so emotionally shaking after it happened- i literally couldn't function, all we could do was cry. But now I am just so happy to be alive. I seriously could have died tonight- and that wouldn't have been bad because I know where I am going. But it made me evaulate my priorites. I've always heard about wreaks and see them portrayed in movies.... but to be quite honest I never ever thought I would ever be in one. As if something made me special, that i woudl never be in one- like i was immune. Welp I have news i wasn't immune and it did happen.And the reason I am writing this is to remind yall all of the tremendous wake-up call that i got tonight. I looked at the car with the front end smashed all up and it was only by the Lord's provison we didn;t get hurt or killedGuys God had his angels watching over me tonight- that is the ONLY explanation. And I started thinking about why I didn't get hurt, and why I didn't die and then I realized that God still has work for me to do here. And as long as I have breath in me, i still want to do everything to glorify Him. Not wasting a moment of my life. Waiting to get my license, wanting to turn 16, graduating, getting married, boyfriends, friends, presents, puppies, grades, new video cameras (things of this earth) all of that seems so trivial in light of Him. And thats how I want my life to be lived. With my one consuming passion- Him, my one magnificent obsession- Him. There is a line of one of the songs on the new shane and shane cd and it says, >And what was once a pearl now sand that blows away in light of Him."How awsome is that? That the pearl representing everyhting that was beautiful on earth, things that we thought were so only but a grain of sand in Heaven and even that blows away in light of Him. And that was my prayer.... that here on this earth the things of this world would seem less important in light of Him. And right now, they really do.I had been struggling this Christmas over how to make it all about Jesus and less about me. And what satan ment as a setback-"ruining my Christmas"- turned out to just point to how great my God is even more. Though the world around you is crazy, though nothing makes sense, through turmoil and trials God is WITH YOU. He is holding your hand. He is surley watching over us all....... This is my Christmas lesson and probably the most memorable yet. He has already told me how much He loves , and He continues to show it to me day after day. Guys live a life worthy of the calling you've recieved. And don't take anything for grated, family, friends,life, a single breath, anything. And its funny I thought I had to go downtown and serve to have a meaningfull Christmas............
Lamentatoins 3:22- Because of the Lord's GREAT love we are not consumed, for His compassions NEVER fail.
Psalm 35:10- My whole being will exclaim, Who is like you O Lord?
Psalm 56:13- For you have delivered me from death and my feet from stumbling that I may walk before God in the light of life.
Psalm 5:11- But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy; spread your protection over them that those who love your name may rejoyce in you.
God is continually displaying His power and might in my life. Guys God is so constant and so wonderful, so faithful, so true.... Happy Birthday Jesus. How great you are!
I hope ya'll all had a wonderful Christmas, and enjoy being out of school.!!!