Foot surgery

Aug 31, 2017 21:52

tomorrow! I have to be there at 6:00 am. Bah. Looking forward to getting that bone chip removed, but not wanting to have that reaction to anesthesia that I had with my Acessa. (I took an hour and 45 minutes longer than they expected to wake up, I was vomiting, and I couldn't eat anything but chicken broth and tea.)

Anyway, check back in when I am more awake.

On another note, a co-worker died. I am not really surprised, because Ginger had been sick for awhile. First she got breast cancer, then she ended up with leukemia, had a bone marrow transplant. About 40 days after, she got an infection. She's been in the hospital. I'd heard from her bestie Carolyn (who also works at Kohl's) that they had to drug her because she was hallucinating.

Well, I got to talk to Helen (who was also on friendly terms with her.) Ginger had been on the upswing, alert and awake. Ginger's daughter contacted them with the news that her mom had had some sort of episode at the hospital. Ginger had started crying at the nurses/ doctors that she was tired of this, and she wanted them to let her go.

So they did.....

I'm wondering how Carolyn and Ginger's daughter are doing now.

I'll admit that when I came in to work today, I saw a vase with live cut flowers, and I was like "oh shit, did Ginger die?"

Sigh.... need to find out when the funeral is.

my foot, work

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