So, maybe about a month or so back, I was trying to get my Junel refilled at Kroger. Apparently Kroger higher ups are trying to get anyone using this to switch to the generic. The pharmacist had to special order my Junel, and it took a few weeks for it to come in. Bah.
Warning...... I'm getting a little descriptive below, but not as descriptive as I got with the Kroger customer service form on the internet.
Well, I don't use the Junel FE for birth control, I'm using it because my hormones are out of whack, and causing trouble. Lots of feminine trouble. Such as irregular periods and heavy bleeding. The gyn has told me that the generic won't do me any good for what I need it for.
So I left a nicely detailed (biological) description of what's going on in the Kroger customer service form. I specifically mentioned bleeding like a stuck pig.
I did let them know that the pharmancy staff are great, and Kroger has the lowest price on the Junel, that's why I go there.
I was wondering if I got too descriptive, but today I got a call from someone in Kroger, and he said that he's going to tell the managers at the upcoming meeting about my comments. He was all "thank you for mentioning this." So now I guess it was okay I got descriptive. LOL