First Seven Jobs

Aug 06, 2016 20:37

There's a hash tag going around, #firstsevenjobs....

So here are mine. I haven't really scrolled through as many as I thought. Or either I forgot some....

1 Babysitter

2 Assembling butterfly display things at someone's shop (don't remember what he called it.)

3 Courtesy clerk (bagger) at Winn-Dixie

4 Retail Sales floor at Woolworth in Big Town Mall

4 1/2 Avon! How could I forget Avon! Did this at college quite a bit.

5 Client Services Coordinator (receptionist) at H&R Block

6 Retail worker at Kmart

7 Production Specialist at AT&T / Lucent Technologies /Tyco Electronics.

After that I got laid off, was laid off for a bit, then went to work at Scarab Digital Imaging, got laid off again, went back to H&R Block. And retail (sigh).

I'd really like something regular, normal full time again. With benefits.

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