Took the dog to the vet, plus hand crafted combs!

Mar 20, 2015 17:22

Paloma needed her shots updated and she's been chewing on herself.

It's fleas. WTF. We just had ice and snow about a week ago. Where did these fleas come from? Did they hitch a ride on the TARDIS or through Loki's portal?

So I got her and the cats (I'm including the strays in this) flea stuff. The strays are outside, so I figured that they need flea repellent. Paloma got antibiotics and steroids to help with her itching and to prevent infection.

Total bill was 300-something. I've got $123 left in my account. Darned animals!

Well, at least I purchased those combs before this.

In case anyone is interested.... I found hand-crafted celluloid anti-static combs at a tiny little beauty salon/supply store. Brand name is "di Prima". Plus a 'bouffant' sized shower cap. Basically a large sized shower cap that will actually fit my bun.

I was just delighted to find them. I have one, and I should have bought others before Tenderheaded Accessories closed up. I had one of the long handled combs, but my dad lost it. He knocked over the bag that had my combs in it, and I haven't found it since.

I was so thrilled, I took pictures in the parking lot on the fake cobblestone walk/path /curb.

The wonderful long-handled anti-static handmade comb. (Made in Germany, so it's probably not produced by child/slave labor.)

A wooden bristle brush

A boar's hair bristle brush

Address and phone number in case anyone is interested in contacting them.
Gallery Coiffures
5835 Abrams Rd, #104
Dallas, TX 75214

hair accessories, animals, hair toys

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