Dec 04, 2014 12:42
So, I went to see the pulmonologist the doctor told me to. He ordered blood taken for an asthma, I mean allergy test, listened to my lungs and prescribed steroids (again.) He says that if I'm allergic to Thomas, my cat, I'll have to get rid of him.
Like that's ever going to happen.....
Plus he's going to order some breathing test that I've not had.
Did I ever mention that Thomas has carcinoma in his liver? The doc gave me some anti-nausea meds for him. But there's nothing they can do for him. If it had been leukemia, they could have done chemo for him. So now it's just a sort of waiting around and seeing how he's doing.
He's doing good now that he has the anti-nausea meds. So he seems cheerful.
It's just that I know one day he's not going to be feeling very good....