A glutton for punishment

Apr 27, 2006 22:46

Yep, that is what I am. Because, if you take a look to the right you can see a list of links that will take you to very large tables filled with prompts for fics that I have to write. Well, most of those aren't written yet. And then I have the Dooooooom fic due in a few days, the Beatles' song lyric fic, two unassigned-as-of-yet Fics (one for the kink-a-thon, the other for Unusual Pairings), and of course the "several ways" fics to finish. Not to mention editing the stuff I have languishing, ignored, at inaboveherhead.

So what did I go and do?

Yep, I went and signed up for another challenge. This time I asked to write for sg_15 in the au_abc fic challenge.

And I just got my approval email.


Here is a description of the challenge and a list of the prompts (although my table is another post entirely, and will be added to the never ending list of prompts):

The fics must be AU, "deliberately changing the canonical facts of the fandom."

Apocalypse: End of the world, not necessarily religious.
Bangsian: Genre of fantasy set wholly or partially in the afterlife.
Cyberpunk: Scifi based on technology i.e. The Matrix and I, Robot.
Detectives: Claim is a detective.
Eastern: A story with Asian influence or aspects.
Fantasy: Elves, fairies, unicorns, etc.
Genderfuck: Androgyny, drag kings, crossdressing, male effeminacy, female masculinity, etc.
History: Incorporation of your claim into a historical event.
Inmates: Claim is a prisoner.
Jocks: Claim is a famous athlete.
Killed: Can be set during the fandom of your choice but the character dies.
Legends: Similar to fantasy but now with the inclusion of folklore.
Mutants: Claim is mutant with superpowers.
Normal: Non-AU piece for your claim.
Outerspace: Spaceships, other planets, and endless starscapes.
Pirates: Claim is a pirate.
Quetzalcoatl: Incorporation of your claim into a myth.
Royalty: Kings, queens, knights, and all that was medieval times.
School: A story taking place in high school or college.
Thieves: Claim is a thief.
Utopia: The "perfect" society i.e. Equilibrium and 1984.
Vampires: Claim is a vampire.
Western: Cowboys, horses, shootouts, and lots of leather.
Xover: Crossover with a fandom of your choice.
Yuppies: Young urban professionals.
Zoomorphs: People turning into animals.

So, yeah. Most of it will be crack fic but at least it will be SG-15 fic. Something is better than nothing, right? Right? RIGHT? Bueller?
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