
Jun 11, 2011 00:03


I was kind of hoping that by seducing Merlin as Fake-Igraine, that Morgan would get pregnant with Mordred that way and spare us all the ick-factor. I have to give it to the writers, it threw me off long enough to not automatically expect the 'cesty seduction.

Except, when Real-Igraine said the only way Morgan would become Queen was to marry a King, or give birth to one...I got a foreshadowing tingle. I tried to dismiss it, I really did. So much of the mythology has been twisted and warped (in a good way, like Excalibur) that I thought TPTB might go a different route for that as well.

Not. I wonder if the next season will jump ahead significantly...

Kinda loved that the beginning of the round table was built from the boards that carried Leontis back to Camelot. Speaking of which, I originally thought that maybe Leontis was supposed to be Lancelot (name alteration) but now, not so much. Arthur saying the chair would remain empty till a worthy champion could fill it, combined with resurrecting the original incestuous conception of Mordred, I'm thinking that Lancelot comes in later. And it would serve Arthur right to lose Guinevere to him.

Unless she decides she wants them both. At the same time. That would be hot.

Also, poor Gawain. Having to see his BB get hit by an arrow must have been very hard on him. Did you see how quick he was to jump to Kay's rescue? *le sigh* I'm sure he took great satisfaction in executing the woman that confessed (albeit dishonestly) to ordering that attack in the first place. Not to mention the archer that shot Leontis (because in his mind that was obviously the one to shoot Kay, too).

*whines* Why is there no Gawain/Kay fic but the stuff that swirls in my head?????

Anyway, can't wait for next season already.

I wonder when Merlin is scheduled to return? The show, not the guy that left near the end of tonight's episode.
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