Jul 05, 2010 21:48
I made a few more cuts. These were harder because I've had good conversations with these people before but the fact is, these people never post, never comment, and never even reply. If there is exactly ONE comment on your entry and you're too busy to reply to it, I'm sorry, I'm not wasting my time. If this sounds mean I don't mean it to be, I'm just tactless. If you're deeply offended, I'm sorry. If you're just really busy right now, well, I'm sorry. I've had too many people walk all over me. I've had too many people treat me like I exist at their convenience. I can't tolerate it anymore, not even from well-meaning people, not even when it's 'just LJ'. Just because these are online friendship doesn't mean they aren't important and don't require effort, and I'm not keeping a lot of people lurking around on my flist for no apparent reason. So, I'm sorry, but two more cuts, and they're staying that way.