(no subject)

Aug 12, 2011 20:56

  I kept trying to embed the link for this from Facebook, but the internet decided to be a bitch and it wouldn't work. Anyway, this guy is part of the worship band at my church. Be jealous, LOL. ;)


I guess if you don't have FB you can't listen to that but you know what I couldn't freaking figure out another way to link it so whatever.

I got nothing else to say today. My muscles are so sore they feel sick. I might have to cough up the $60 and go get a damn massage. My insurance might cover a chiropractor but I went to a chiropractor once upon a time for many months and it did me no good. If anybody tells me to exercise I will beat you with an invisible stick. I realize that a little activity would not go amiss and maybe this weekend I'll take a few walks, get back into my routine of walking aimlessly instead of driving aimlessly. But I am not about to join the cult of exercise that prevails in this country. I can be healthy and happy and fit without 'hittin' the gym,' and I swear, if I hear one more person lavish praise on the Almighty Wonder of the Gym, my head might explode.

That is all I have to say. I am in much pain and pissed off at the internet and do not feel like responding to comments and entries - rest assured, I read them all, and will get to them. I just wanted to (try to) share this link and now I'm going to go dig up some ibuprofen and watch a movie and maybe try to stretch my back out a bit.
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