So I was sitting outside my math class today and I got to thinking about "Rent". The movie has just been released on DVD so it's been in my mind a lot. Over the past year I've spent a lot of time trying to explain to people why I love this show/movie. But I generally got passed over as just another "fangirl". As pointless as this entry may be, I'm hear to tell the whole story behind why I love this show/movie.
Feel free to pass this by because no amount of words can completely explain my love for this show. This is just a feeble attempt.
I was introduced to "Rent" when I was 11 years old. My cousin Curtis had the OBCR(Original Broadway Cast recording) and he would listen to it constantly. I was never allowed to listen to the entire album but I was able to listen to "Tune Up 1", "Voice Mail 1" and "Rent"-which I quickly memorized. After my cousin moved out I kinda forgot about the show but I never could forget those first few lines..."December 24th 9pm, Eastern Standard time..." always stayed with me. When I got to my senior year of high school I had met so many people who loved the show who kept telling me to listen to it. I decided it was time to go in search of the OBCR. Unfortunately I couldn't find it ANYWHERE! After 4 months of on and off searching I finally found it last Frebruary. After 8 years I was finnaly able to listen to the entire show. Little did I know the affect it would have on me.
All through the years I heard that this was just the "gay" show or the "AIDS" show. I realized it was so much more than that. As I sat in my room, headphones on and liberetto open in my hands, I found myself alongside these eight friends just trying to get through life, dealing with love loss and family. I may not be gay, broke, a drug addict or have a terminal disease but I could still relate to these characters. I found myself connecting with them in a way I had never connected with characters before. I felt like I knew these people. Johnathan Larson's message of love and life had me in tears by the end.
From the romantic, "I'll Cover You", the jubilant "La Vie Boheme", the sorrow filled "Without You" and the triumphant "Finale B"...I had found everything I wanted to be in a single show. I wanted to remember to live for the moment, no matter what. I wanted to perfect my art and my craft and not be ashamed of it. But most importantly, I wanted to be myself in a world that puts those who conform in high places. This show reminded me that there's no shame in being myself.
I've never had the chance to see the show live. I've seen various (bad) boots of various casts andread the liberetto cover to cover. I know almost the entire show by heart. So when I found out that the movie was being made I was thrilled...but scared at the same time. Would the cast be any good? How would they change the structure? Would the cast be any good? Would the message still be there? My fears were calmed massively when I found out that 6 of the 8 original cast members would be reprising their roles. I did so much research and followed the production for months. I found the first script, read it, had my qualms but was hopeful. There were changes but I had to remind myself that changes have to take place when you make a transition from another medium to the screen.
No amount of research or on-line clips could prepare me for the opening day. Not only was I getting the chance to see the movie I had followed for so long but I was finally getting my friends to listen to me about it. I managed to drag 6 people to the theater that evening. Hearing their reactions and seeing their faces as the credits rolled was one of the best feelings in the world. This movie, whatever qualms people may have with it, has brought this wonderful story to a whole new crop of fans. The message of love and life has been spread furthur than I thought possible. I couldn't be happier.
I look at the show and the movie as two seperate pieces of art. I can't compare one with the other but I know this. I love the music, the story and the message. If you've never seen the show or the movie I suggest you do. It has almost given me more joy in one year than I've had in my entire life.