we lost our funny man today.
some of us called him 'comedian' some of us called him 'that man' some of us called him 'that guy in the camel suit and stilts'.
when our enemy attacked, we were caught unawares, sleeping naked, our weapons in the basement unloaded. by the time we had manned the north tower, they were swimming across the moat.
'didn't someone release the pirhannas?'
'i thought that was james job'
'james took a blowdart in the eye!'
'how does a blonde kill a pirhanna?' asked our funny man.
'we don't know, how does a blonde kill a pirhanna?' we replied.
'she tries to drown it!' we all laughed as wild boar stormed the gate and began rutting around for mushrooms roots.
we never released the pirhanna, but Hans fell into the pirhanna cage so they didn't feel left out.
as our fungus supply dwindled and as spears arced over our fortress wall, we formed a solid defensive formation around the main gate. our bullets and rockets were an unwelcome surprise for our visitors, and we sent many of them toppling back into the moat. their blood excited the pirhannas and we heard them swishing and swashing about in their cage. this is about when Hans fell in.
'defend the mushroom supply!'
we set about wrapping up the wild boar in plastic bags and chucking them into the moat.
our comedian told this joke:
'A woman announces to her friend that she is getting married for the fourth time.
"How wonderful! But I hope you don't mind me asking what happened to your first husband?"
"He ate poisonous mushrooms and died."
"Oh, how tragic! What about your second husband?"
"He ate poisonous mushrooms, too, and died."
"Oh, how terrible! I'm almost afraid to ask you about your third husband."
"He died of a broken neck."
"A broken neck?"
"He wouldn't eat the mushrooms."'
we laughed as we bagged and chucked wild boar. in our gaity, we hardly noticed the sword-hurling. one by one i saw my allies lose their heads, pop pop pop. we took cover behind sand dunes, but the swords would cut through the sand. we took cover behind trees and the swords would turn and find us. we found solace in the basemant.
that guy put in the camel suit and stilts started dancing around and making camel noises. we all loved this and were busting a seam when he started his joke:
'an arab walks into a sex shop and asks for a blow-up doll...'
but a blowdart invaded through a hole in the ceiling and caught him in the neck. he seemed to be dancing on his stilts for a moment. he did a pirhouette, then a pas coupe, then finally a grand jete, his camel head smiling all the while, before he collapsed on his left side, dead.
(all jokes found at