Sep 26, 2005 03:08
so I need a liscensed kitchen,
a cook,
more WORKING knowledge of the type of menu I want (vegatarian LOTS OF CHEESE),
staying power (LOTS of capitol)
it really all boils down to more experience and money wich is what I was working on already. 1 year exp in the food service industry & 600$ and I get an all-expenses paid job in China learning more about their food and such. *Sigh* just stick to the job, stick it out, even less than minumum wage is ok really cause im not working for soley money. DO YOU HEAR THAT!!! This job is mostly for the experience! I havent even been there 4 weeks yet and Im ready to quit. Self-encouragement I suppose. I suppose starting a catering biz within a 3 months is feasible.
Heavy Priorities tho.
And what about the books I was supposed to be getting published, eh?
The dreaming I was supposed to re-establish?
Cindy does a wonderful job. I dunno what happened but I liked it.
Jeff needs to learn how to reBUILD a restaruant wich isnt quite the same as just supervising it.
1 year... 1 year. In less time than that a more positive hard-working store manager will be running the show. Wait and see, who knows maybe "Up the creek" will come back.
1 year and a more casual happier Bar manager will be there. It is possible that I might be able to nudge the ladies as it is. Possible.
IT multiplies and compounds itself with interest.
i love my job, sure you think im full of shit cause i was just cursing it a couple of days ago. But seriously lets stop and appreciate the fact that it has paid my car insurance, is about to start fixing my car and is paving my way to China. So many people think they dont owe anyone anything, but they underestimate all that has been done and is being done. ive said it before that the only reason your alive is because someone allowed you to live. Sure that might be yourself, that might be some diety, and that could be countless hordes of people that spared your life and/or given you a little more than you had before. The human soul isnt bound by mathmatics, our personal energy doesnt have to exaust with an expendature. There is an infinite supply of energy if you know how to tap it, how to live it to the fullest without wearing out. So right now im going to take the time to thank and bless everyone and everything. Curses can be reversed, It's that powerful. Blessings can become curses, its that volatile. Ive given everyone the abilities within themselves like I have done over and over again. When angels exercise the power to choose they are no longer true angels.
Ive got some messiahs to revisit, sweet dreams all.