Sep 12, 2007 23:08
Only - fortunately - not really.
We survived pretty well and finished after 10+ hours with half an hour lunch break in good shape and without splitting headache I had feared.
There was a bunch of good guys and some true illiterates (cultural; possibly for real, too), who after claiming to be extremely interested in e.g. India, answered the question of "So what was the last book you read about it?" with "Eeeee..."
We got one person who got a BA in Japan studies elsewhere without knowing who the hell was Eisai Dogen, which equalls being European studies graduate, but having no knowledge about the existence of Aristotle.
No funny stuff, though - no exam-humour to put down. The closest came one of the examiners asking "When did the Vikings landed in Japan?" to which the examinee almost said she didn't know the exact date :)
A friend of mine who was examining for post-graduate translator studies found out one Polish literature graduate unaware of the full name of the country she lived all her life. My friend (a lecturer of Polish literature department) was quite ashamed in front of the other department teachers, but who the hell is checking if the uni students know their country name!?
And that's all, folks.