On Weird News of the Day, Part 7

Jul 07, 2006 23:41

According to our paper, the researchers are on the way to develop new viagra-like medicine, this time applied a a gel. The main ingredient is going to be nitroglicerine, well known cardiomedicine.

Must say this gives the phrase a stick of dynamite a whole new meaning....

Melancholy Plegmatic
21 Sanguine, 57 Melancholy, 7 Choleric, 50 Phlegmatic Hail to you who is Melancholy Phlegmatic

The stability and foresight to stay straight on the course.

The eye for detail while others do shoddy work.

The ability to analyze and arrive at the proper solution.

The aim to finish what you start.

The patience to put up with provokers.

The ability to listen, while others have their say.

The gift of mediation, uniting opposing forces.

The purpose of peace at almost any price.

The will to live in such a way that even your enemies can't find anything bad to say about you.

The talent to create a masterpiece where nothing existed before.

The pledge "if it is worth doing, it's worth doing right."

You are a serious, soft spoken introvert who others would label pessimistic, but you correctly understand that you are realistic. When others are in a frenzy, you are calm. You stand back, analyze the situation, find the problem create a solution. You are slow to act, but when you do it is well thought out and steadily implemented. You don't leap into things you won't finish and you do not require a shower of compliments to keep going like Sanguines do.

Here are two adjective barages for the positives of Melancholly's & Phlegmatics:

As a Phlegmatic your are peacefully awesome:

You are easy going, easy to get along with, relaxed, consistent, patient, well-balanced, calm, cool, collected, a good listener, quiet but witty, sympathetic, kind, you keep your emotions hidden, you are happily reconciled to life, and you are an all purpose person. At work you are competent, steady, peaceful, agreeable, you avoid conflict, mediate problems, lead by consensus, and you don't get that pressured. As a friend you are pleasant, enjoyable, compassionate, concerned, inoffensive, a good listener with a dry sense of humor.

As a Melancholly you are thoughtfully kick ass:

You are deep, analytical, insightful, serious, purposeful, genius prone, talented, creative, possibly artistc, musical, poetic or philisophical. You are considerate, conscientious, self-sacrificing, and sensitive to others. In the workplace you set high standards, pick up after others, are schedule oriented, organized, detail concious, persistent, and thorough. You like charts and graphs. You see the problems and find creative solutions. As a friend, you make friend's cautiously, are content to stay in the background, avoid causing attention, are faithful and devoted, deeply concerned for others, will listen to complaints, and you can solve people's problems.

At best your personality works thusly. Your easy going Phlegmatic nature protects you from being too sensitive or getting depressed, and your Melancholly side inspires you towards perfection, motivating you and preventing you from never doing anything.

Now the harsh part. Here are two more adjective barages about your weaknesses. Don't despair, we love you anyways!:

As a melancholly:

You remember negatives, hold on to hurt, sulk, get moody or depressed or guilty, you are too introspective, self-centered, with a low self-image, you feel persecuted and you mind is off in another world. In the workplace you may be too meticulous, or a martyr. You are not people oriented, choose dificult work, are hesitant to start, spending too much time on planning, prefering analysis to work, and you are hard to please with your high high standards. You secretly have a deep need for approval. As a friend you live through others, are critical, withdrawn, hold back affection, don't accept compliments, you are unforgiving, suspicious, and you dislike those in opposition towards whom you are antagonistic and even revengeful.

As a Phlegmatic this is you at your worst:

You are unenthusiastic, fearful, worried, indecisive, selfish, shy, reticent, self-righteous, too compromising and you avoid responsibility. At work you are not goal oriented, lacking in self-motivation, hard to get moving, resentful of being pushed, lazy, careless, discouraging & you have a quiet will of iron. As a friend you dampen enthusiasm, stay uninvolved, are indifferent, unexciting, judgemental, sarcastic, teasing & you resist change.

And yet you are still wonderful. There is no blame here. This is just how the Melancholly and Phlegmatic tend to be. This analysis is just a tool to help you understand yourself better so you can have more power to get what you want. Your negatives are difficult, but your strengths are formidable, you are the most thoughful of the 4 possible temperment combinations. You probably get along well with extroverted care free Sanguine Cholerics because you balance them. You can hear their bossy ideas of what everyone should do and help them see their flaws and make their ideas work. You have excellent follow through, and are a stable friend to those you love.

The author of this test would like to acknowledge that Melancholy Phlegmatics are my personal favorite type of person to be around. They are humble and steadfast. I find I can bring them into nearly any situation and they do fine. Praise be to you from me I say!

Curious about the 4 temperment types?

here are links to the 4 basic results you can get.





My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 99% on Sanguine

You scored higher than 99% on Melancholy

You scored higher than 99% on Choleric

You scored higher than 99% on Phlegmatic
Link: The Personality Plus Profiler Test written by mahdroo on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

trivia, meme

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