Title: Life with the Slayer (As Told By Mr. Pointy)
blue_icy_roseRating: PG
Word Count: 1,164
Spoilers: BTVS - season 2-7, SPN - season 4
Warnings: Crack. No, really.
Summary: Mr. Pointy has been there for quite a few of the major events in Buffy's life from the aftermath of Angelus to the latest insanity of the Winchesters.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but DVDs, okay? Joss Whedon and Eric Kripke own everything else, damn it.
Notes: I think this might be the crackiest...or the weirdest...thing I've written yet. Written for
tamingthemuse - both for this week's prompt and for the September challenge of writing from the POV of an inanimate object. Once I saw that, I couldn't resist this. No dialogue sadly but maybe next time - I'm getting back in the mood for writing some Buffy/Dean!
Life with the Slayer (As Told By Mr. Pointy)