Title: Whole Lotta Love
Author: Lightthesparks (Sparks)
Rating: NC-17
Fandoms: BtVS/SPN
Pairing: Buffy/Dean, mentions of Faith/Sam
Status: One-Shot (Complete), Sequel to
Roadhouse EncounterSummary: It's Dean's turn to get some. That's easier said than done, though.
Warnings: Explicit sexual situations
Spoilers: All seasons of BtVS & SPN
Disclaimer: Supernatural and all related characters are copyright Eric Kripke, Kripke Enterprises & The CW Network. No infringement intended. Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all related characters are copyright Joss Whedon and ME. No infringement intended.
He was gonna kill Sam. Very slowly and very painfully. Possibly repeatedly. For somebody that had scored a full ride to one of the best colleges in the damn country, he could be amazingly stupid sometimes. Somebody really should have taught that guy to think before opening his big, blundering mouth. NEW WALLPAPER:
my LJ