The 2006 Wishlist

Dec 01, 2006 19:09

Looking for particular sorts of recs? We’ve got a number of tag and memory categories so don’t forget to browse those. But this is a special post for people to let their fellow community members know what they’re hoping to get for the holidays ( Read more... )

admin: wishlist, admin: mod post

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Comments 14

An Unusual Request I know... athenamuze December 1 2006, 20:51:36 UTC
I would be interested in any really excellent philosopical/intellectual discussions on the show, these could be essays, podcasts, etc.


Re: An Unusual Request I know... athenamuze December 2 2006, 02:18:13 UTC
oh, or LJs or forums too...


(The comment has been removed)

katekat1010 December 2 2006, 06:35:56 UTC
Seconded on the Faith fics!! Good Faith fics are super hard to find!


velvetwhip December 2 2006, 01:25:23 UTC
I would love to see someone besides me do a Willow/Angel or Willow/Spike rec list. Another perspective would be fabulous!



zanthinegirl December 2 2006, 05:03:09 UTC
Oz! Particularly gen or het, but really just Oz!


fanbot December 2 2006, 06:06:15 UTC


a_bit_wonky December 4 2006, 16:58:01 UTC
Hooray for Oz! While I do enjoy gen and het, slash is good, too!


anonymous December 2 2006, 17:55:17 UTC
I wish for LOTS of Angel/Spike, Angel/Willow and maybe even Angel/Connor


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