My Top 5 Ficathon Moments of 2005

Jan 22, 2006 00:46

Congrats to the people who run ficathons! They deserve loads of hugs!

Here are my top 5 Ficathon Moments of 2005

Happy!Wes Ficathon run by caoilainn
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Some exceptional stories were written for this ficathon, a few of which have already been recced here. And a ficathon which was also a brilliant concept in itself. Who doesn't want to make Wesley happy?

Night they Never Met Ficathon run by karabair
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A really intriguing idea for a ficathon putting characters together that never met in canon, but really, probably should have. A wide varieties of fics and characters and styles to suit anyone.

We Will Not Fade Away Ficathon run by maybedarkpink
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Some very strong fics produced again, with tantalising glimpses of what happened after the dragon swooped in! Nice concept for a ficathon *and* wonderful to see people inspiring new thoughts and interest in the 'verse.

Spike/Tentacle Erotic Valentine's Day Ficathon run by bogwitch
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What started off as some good natured fun, produced some wonderfully dark and delicious fics all round. Great twist on the Valentine's Day concept too.

ficathon_codex run by bookishwench
Searching for a ficathon? Want to be updated on upcoming ficathons? Yes, and some of us actually do! :) This is a fantastic resource for keeping in touch with all the ficathons going on in the fandom.

form: ficathon, char: wesley, char: spike, form: fic, cat: gen

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